We are thankful for collaboration from all our partners!
Keystone STARS
When your child participates in an early learning program, you want him/her to be safe and secure as he/she learns and grows! Look for a Keystone STARS early childhood program to help ensure the overall quality of an early learning program for your child. Keystone STARS stands for Standards, Training, Assistance, Resources, and Support,and is a voluntary continuous quality improvement initiative for child care and Head Start programs. Keystone STARS supports child care and Head Start programs that are committed to continuous quality improvement and offers families a valuable tool to measure quality in early learning programs.
Child care programs may enter at the Start with STARS level and earn STAR 1 through STAR 4 ratings.
PA Pre-K Counts
PA Pre-K Counts is designed for children who: – Are between age 3 through the entry age for kindergarten -Are at risk of school failure, due to income, language (English is not the first language), or special needs issues.
It includes full or half-day pre-kindergarten classes in schools, Head Start, Keystone STARS child care programs with a STAR 3 level or higher or licensed nursery schools. PA Pre-K Counts is free to families. There are PA Pre-K Counts classrooms in most of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties.
Head Start
Head Start provides comprehensive early learning services to children and families who are most at risk of academic failure. Families earning 100% of the federal poverty level or less are eligible to apply. There is no cost to families. Programs offer home visits, classroom experiences, and parent involvement opportunities.
United Way
United Way envisions a world where all individuals and families achieve their human potential through education, income stability and healthy lives. United Way mission is to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities around the world to advance the common good.
Delaware Valley Association for the Education of Young Children (DVAEYC)
DVAEYC is dedicated to ensuring educational opportunity for every child in our community. To accomplish this, we train early childhood professionals in best practice skills and career development. We coach early childhood education programs to meet higher standards of PA Keystone STARS and national accreditation. And we engage policy makers to invest in high quality early childhood education throughout Southeastern Pennsylvania.
Child Care Works Subsidy & CCIS
Pennsylvania’s Child Care Works Subsidy provides financial assistance for child care so that low-income parents can continue to work and provide for their families. Pennsylvania’s Child Care Information Services (CCIS) agencies offer parents a wealth of resources on how to find the best care for their child. Families can apply for Child Care Works online or visit the CCIS agency in their county. Parents can also receive information from Child Care Information Services (CCIS) agencies on:
- How to choose quality early learning programs for their child;
- The benefits of early learning programs for their child;
- Selecting a child care setting that meets their needs;
- Early care and education programs available in their community:
- Child care provider referrals tailored to their specific needs
Information and referral services are available to all families, regardless of income; however, to be eligible for Child Care Works, families must meet certain income and work requirements.