Simple Sensory Activities
These simple sensory activities are sure to give the kids hours and hours of playful learning. I know it is hard because we are not in...
These simple sensory activities are sure to give the kids hours and hours of playful learning. I know it is hard because we are not in...
Elementary at Home: How to keep Active and Engaged at Home Students are currently experiencing something brand new, a way of education that has been a...
12 Safety Devices to Protect Your Children Each year, children are injured by hazards in and around the home. The good news is that the risk...
Bedwetting is a Medical Condition Bedwetting is not an abnormality of the urinary track. It’s called “enuresis” in medical term. Primary enuresis is where a child...
How Much Physical Activity is Needed? Physical activity is important for everyone, but how much you need depends on your age. Physical activity is generally safe...
10 Tips for healthy snacking Save time by slicing veggies Store sliced vegetables in the refrigerator and serve with dips like hummus or low-fat dressing. Top...
Following are some of the things you, as a parent, can do to help your toddler during this time: Set up a special time to read...